Kegs or beer kegs are a versatile training tool that can be ideally used in an interdisciplinary strength and conditioning programme that is relevant to us.
Training with kegs requires a lot of stability and thus builds reactive strength. The possible exercises form an enormous attack on the whole body, but especially on our grip strength and our shoulder and trunk muscles.
And it is precisely these areas that need to be strong if we are to maximise our potential on the training floor or in a real physical confrontation.
For 30 euros deposit, you can get an empty 50-litre keg at the local beverage wholesaler. With a pipe wrench and some brute force, you can also open the cap and fill the keg.
The weight of an empty 50-litre keg is 12 kilograms; the weight ultimately depends on what the keg is filled with.
Especially at the time of the Covid 19 compulsory break and the empty online shops, this is an ideal way to quickly use a training device.
Since water sloshes around as the barrel is moved, depending on the fill level, handling a filled barrel can become a demanding challenge.
Cement, sand, dirt, gravel, lead shot - these materials are generally not expensive, but will make the barrel less likely to slip.
When it comes to filling, you can be creative and set your own limits with the filling weight. Just try it out or, if necessary, take a second barrel.
The only important thing is that we orientate the choice of exercises and the structure of the exercises on strongman training and don't want to do any gimmicky jumping jacks and the like with beer kegs!
Similar to training with the sandbag - less is sometimes more.

Loaded Carries - Loads want to be picked up and moved.
It's all well and good to pick up something heavy and put it down straight away, but in the real world you usually pick up something heavy because you want to move it somewhere else or, comparatively speaking, in a clinch or in hand-to-hand combat in general, you need some real steam and want to apply pressure.
Carrying loads has almost become something of a lost art and as mentioned in the blog Sandbag Training for Combatives (Part 1) one of the essential skills for Dan John.
Many people can move fast and a few people can move quite a lot of weight. But fewer people can do both separately, and very few can do both at the same time.
A strange realisation actually, because carrying a load is now a basic human activity and there is no shortage of opportunities to do it all around us.
Loaded Carries go just about anywhere, with any kind of heavy object - sandbags, barrels, atlas stones or whatever your heart desires.
If you find yourself in the middle of nowhere, why not shoulder a boulder or log and use it to move quickly from A to B?

Some of us are lucky enough to have general access to a whole bunch of cool gear just waiting to be moved.
Some of us are just sitting at home watching animal documentaries on xHamster. For little money and a little initiative you can get training equipment, take advantage of this opportunity and step up your game.
Deadlifts with a 12kg kettlebell and a few dumbbell curls might be fun, but they won't get anyone anywhere in the fight.
We're talking muscle building, fat loss, total body strength and intense metabolic conditioning effects.
Add to that much-needed - but often neglected - core and grip strength, and it's hard to argue against including lifting and carrying heavy weights in your workout. However, there is still a discrepancy between what is undoubtedly a game-changing addition to the training of each of us and the actual inclusion in one's training.
Man is just a creature of habit...but hey...if you've seen the animated film "The Croods", everything new is not directly always bad - you just have to give it a try and take a step into uncharted territory!
And for those who already know our blog Sled Training for Combatives (Part 1), I can also carry a barrel or sandbag to my tyre and go straight from there with the loaded sled.
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